Paynesville Open Boat Weekend 21st-22nd January 2017Categories» About UsLatest NewsMembers Classic BoatsThe Gippsland LakesBoating DestinationsBoating EventsBoat Trading PostOnline Boating ToolsMerchandiseSponsors and Friends » Upcoming Club EventsPast Club Events » All Pages Published22nd January 2017 The Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club has held an open boat day in Paynesville on the Gippsland lakes. This event was an open to the public display demonstrating many of the various open boats that exist in our lakes district. Open boat configurations included many classics such as traditional lakes fishing boats, couta, traditional sail, dinghies and other boating configurations that helped shape boating on the Gippsland Lakes as we know it today. As this event was not limited to GLCBC members, boats and guests traveled from various parts of Victoria to attend. Boat owners and representatives from the GLCBC were on hand to discuss with members of the general public and other boating enthusiasts all and any questions relating to boat construction and design. Gladly, the local Paynesville Coast Guard were on hand to feed the guests. Operating a sausage sizzle and burger flip with a delicious selection of relishes as a fund raiser to help raise much needed funds to provide the valued service to our boating community. And what event would't be complete without a visit from the iconic floating tin shed, thanks guys for providing the music and entertainment. The GLCBC also provided a raffle with a number of fantastic prizes all donated by local traders. 1st prize was a GME marine stereo with speakers valued at $279.00 this prize was provided by our friends from Paynesville Marine Electronics and was won by Esme Mills. 2nd Prize was a new set of inshore flares valued at $79.00 as was provided by the Boat Shop on Slip Rd Paynesville. This prize was won by Graeme and Denise Shannon. 3rd Prize was won by Sonja Ottaway and was a $20.00 BCF voucher donated by BCF Bairnsdale (Valued at $20.00) 4th Prize was a huge tray of mixed meat pies supplied by the Waterview Bakery in Paynesville, and was won by a bloke called Clive who lives in Melbourne and loves pies. Clive the GLCBC thanks you for making the trip east, we appreciate your travel and support. A number of awards were also presented to boat owners in the following categories: Best open boat – Robert & Anne Young “Lizzie Mae” Best open boat (runner up) – Kooby DeWet “Badger” Best open sailing boat – Peter Medling, Sally and kids “Nancy Jean” Best open dinghy – Jenny Rouget “Nutshell” The GLCBC would also like to extend big special thanks to Gippsland Ports for allowing us to host this event and making space for us on the busy waterfront floating jetties. Additional information about Paynesville and it's boating attractions can be found by clicking here. « Previous | Next » Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club Inc