PS Curlip inspection, Raymond Island BBQ with the Wooden Boat Association - Sunday 23rd October 2016

23rd October 2016

On Sunday October 23rd 2016, members of the GLCBC met with our friends from the Wooden Boat Association (WBA) to inspect the PS Curlip that has recently been relocated to the Gippsland Lakes from Marlo.

Members of both organisations boarded the PS Curlip and enjoyed some Tea and Coffee along with some home made biscuits and muffins. After a ship tour a discussion was held, hosted by Peter Medling and Bill Jones who was involved in the original construction of PS Curlip. Discussion topics included the ships history and the work that will be involved to restore the PS Curlip to her formal glory and return her to a productive capacity transporting passengers around the Gippsland lakes.

After the inspection of PS Curlip, members relocated to the BBQ facilities on Raymond Island where a social BBQ was held and members from both the GLCBC and WBA engaged in a social discussion of all things boating.

The GLCBC would like to thank the WBA for joining us on the day, and also for their generous donation to the fund raiser for the PS Curlip. The GLCBC welcomes the WBA members to our family and as a club we look forward to meeting up again in the future.