Picnic @ Picnic Arm November 2022Categories» CategoriesSponsors and FriendsAbout UsBoating DestinationsEventsMerchandiseThe Gippsland Lakes » Upcoming Club EventsPast Club Events » All Pages Published27th November 2022 After what seemed to be a never-ending winter, finally a change in the weather and the sun shined on Picnic Arm and a bunch of GLCBC members seized the moment and headed over for a weekend away. Good food, conversation a successful test run of the modified Magma BBQ allowing a rotisserie lamb to slow cook over a bed of coals that then became a souvlaki dinner feast for all. Thanks to all who attended and see you on the next trip. Additional information about Picnic Arm can be found by clicking here to be redirect to the GLCBC boating destinations folder.« Previous | Next » Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club Inc