End of year Christmas party 2018 - Bairnsdale ClubCategories» About UsLatest NewsMembers Classic BoatsThe Gippsland LakesBoating DestinationsBoating EventsBoat Trading PostOnline Boating ToolsMerchandiseSponsors and Friends » Upcoming Club EventsPast Club Events » All Pages Published15th December 2018 End of year Christmas party 2018 - Bairnsdale Club About 35 GLCBC members attended the end of year Christmas party at the Bairnsdale Club in Bairnsdale. Originally the party was an optional car or attend by boat with an overnight stay at the Port of Bairnsdale; however and regretfully the jetty facilities at the Port were cordoned off for 11th hour repairs, as such boating was ruled out and all members arrived by car. Members were treated to a fantastic luncheon and to add to all the excitement and fill in the gaps between feasting and a good old social chit chat, 3 lucky door prizes were on offer, the winners were 1st prize Sonia Ottaway who won a $200 voucher from our sponsor Riveria Marine, Heather Daws who won an inflatable life jacket from our sponsor Riveria Marine and Kellie Ottaway who won a $50 GLCBC merchandise voucher. After lunch, all members were put to the test and joined in a knot tying competition. Members were all provided with a short length of rope, a dowel and instructions on how to tie a selected knot, there were 3 chosen winners based on time from each table who then battled it out in the finals for either 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. The winners were: Jeff Robinson was crowned “Knot King” and walked away with a $100 Hills Marine gift voucher, Doug Gullickson was close behind and came in second winning a new set of flares from Riveria Marine and Laurie Sporle ranked 3rd best winning a $50 GLCBC merchandise voucher. The committee of the GLCBC would like to congratulate our winners, and also Garry Williams who was voted the member who needs lots of knot tying practise and won a set of “occa straps” as a boobie prize. Kellie Ottaway was also presented with a lovely bunch of flowers by the committee and on behalf of our members, the flowers were in recognition and thanks to Kellie for her 3 years of past service to the GLCBC as Secretary. « Previous | Next » Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club Inc