GLCBC Christmas Party December 2017Categories» About UsLatest NewsMembers Classic BoatsThe Gippsland LakesBoating DestinationsBoating EventsBoat Trading PostOnline Boating ToolsMerchandiseSponsors and Friends » Upcoming Club EventsPast Club Events » All Pages Published17th December 2017 The GLCBC has held our 2017 Christmas party on the Nicholson River waterfront, Nicholson. In addition to a gate-crashing tiger snake, we had a good turnout of members who enjoyed a spit roast dinner of Pork and Lamb, followed by a yummy selection of deserts that were provided by some of our members. There were also 10 lucky door prize winners who each received a Safety grab stocked with all sorts of goodies, including a random $50.00 GLCBC merchandise voucher that was won by new member Mark Staughton. The 1st prize bag went to Greg and Denise Alexander who picked up a nice Midland VHF marine hand-held radio. Other winners were, Ivan & Louise Knight, Sonia Ottaway, Michael & Judy Pyne, Gary & Julie Plumley, Jeff & Janeen Robertson, Graeme & Denise Shannon, Barry Walker and finally Robert & Anne Young. The GLCBC would also like to thank the Nicholson River Angling Club for allowing us to use their facilities, and also a huge thanks to Keith and Kat from Rivera Meats in Eastwood for organizing and supplying the meat and spit roast cooker. As President, I would also like to extend my personal thanks and appreciation to our committee and other members who helped setup and organize our 2017 club Christmas dinner, it was a big effort and a top night. Until next year when we see you again on the lakes, please stay safe and have a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family. On behalf of the GLCBC committee, thank you « Previous | Next » Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club Inc