Barrier Landing 22nd - 23rd April 2017Categories» About UsLatest NewsMembers Classic BoatsThe Gippsland LakesBoating DestinationsBoating EventsBoat Trading PostOnline Boating ToolsMerchandiseSponsors and Friends » Upcoming Club EventsPast Club Events » All Pages Published23rd April 2017 Barrier Landing was home port to members of the GLCBC over the weekend of 22nd April 2017 The members of the GLCBC were blessed with calm and glassy seas as we enjoyed a leisurely trip across the lakes heading to Barrier Landing on the eastern side of the Gippsland Lakes. Upon arrival, members practiced docking skills whilst enduring a steady cross current. With the assistance of other members all boats were eventually maneuvered into position for the evening. After we were settled, members gathered on the jetty facility for a social catchup and relaxed watching the abundant bird life, jumping prawns, crabs and schools of bait-fish. The following morning, a hand full of members explored the many walking trails and ocean beach. The GLCBC would also like to thank our friends from the Oil Response Company for providing each of our members boats that attended with a complimentary oil absorption bilge sock. For additional information about Barrier Landing, please click here to be redirected the GLCBC website destinations folder.« Previous | Next » Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club Inc