The Tambo River is a waterway entering the north eastern side of Lake King in the Gippsland Lakes. By boat, you can travel upstream passing the Harry Clues memorial park at Johnsonville and then onto the township of Swan Reach.
The waterfront precinct of Johnsonville boasts very good jetty and boat mooring facilities with water, toilets and a nice parkland with good BBQ facilities. A short walk to the township of Johnsonville provides a general store, fuel station and a bottle shop. Further upstream there is a good jetty just before the highway bridge at Swan Reach, this jetty provides easy access to the Swan Reach hotel and township; however there are no public toilets or other facilities at the Swan Reach jetty.
The river then continues for about another 5km winding it's way through a rural setting, passing the Tambo cliffs and eventually becoming narrow and congested with trees.
The Tambo River is a good wide and deep river that boasts some excellent fishing and picturesque places to pull up and rest, or enjoy a nice BBQ.

Bridge Heights
Bridge clearance heights are are based upon the mean tidal level, heights and clearances will vary based upon weather, floods and tidal conditions. The data provided here is supplied by VicRoads. This information is offered as a free service, the GLCBC is not responsible for the accuracy of this information or any damage to any property caused by the use of this information. Persons in charge of vessels should always consult their regulatory authorities for the most up-to-date information.
Tambo River Bridge (Princes Highway) Clearance 6.6 metres