Eagle PointCategories» About UsLatest NewsMembers Classic BoatsThe Gippsland LakesBoating DestinationsBoating EventsBoat Trading PostOnline Boating ToolsMerchandiseSponsors and Friends » All Pages Published17th April 2017 Eagle Point is a quiet village located on Eagle Bay in-between Bairnsdale and Paynesville. The Eagle Point jetty provides access to the Eagle Point caravan park where there is a large public sheltered BBQ area with power and ample seating for large gatherings. A playground is located next to the BBQ area in addition to a large open fireplace and public toilets. The Eagle Point jetty despite it’s length can only accommodate 1 medium sized boat as the water level within the bay is very shallow. Furthermore because of the shallow depth, this destination can become extremely rough during an Easterly wind. Additional caution needs to be applied to boats that draw 4’ or more, as during rough conditions boats have been known to bounce on the bottom and suffer damage. Shallow and rough during Easterly winds. This destination can become extremely rough during an Easterly wind and additional caution needs to be applied to boats that draw 4’ or more, as during rough conditions boats have been known to bounce on the bottom and suffer damage. « Previous | Next » Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club Inc