GLCBC - AGM and committee elections 2020 - 2021

14th December 2020

GLCBC - AGM and committee elections

The Annual General Meeting and committee elections of the Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club Inc. (GLCBC) were held on Saturday 12th December 2020 at 10.30am in the car park behind the green building (opposite boat ramp) on Sunset Drive, Paynesville.

All current committee positions – President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and general committee members – were declared vacant. A new committee was appointed for the 2020-2021 calendar year as per our constitution and by means of popular election between financial members.

The GLCBC Committee for the 2020 / 21 year is:
President - Graeme Louden
Jeff Howard - Vice President
Susan Hofmeyer - Treasurer and Secretary
Grant Ottaway - Media and communications
Neil Sach - "General Committee"
Kellie Ottaway - Welcome back as "General Committee"
And a special welcome to our two new additions to the committee:
Jo-Ann Moore - "General Committee"
Laurie Sporle - "General Committee"
On behalf of the GLCBC committee, we would like to extend our thanks and appreciateion to both Geoff Mann and John Edwards for their contributions to the previous committee term(s).
As we move forwards, we are excited to see everyone again on the water after a rather quiet year due to Covid and Bushfires. The GLCBC event calandar will soon be populated with summer boating activities, so please follow our upcoming events links.